Finner inga ord, så jävla hemskt..
Där här ni en länk till en video som är väldigt hemsk... Fyfan asså att sånt sker hära i världen, men så är de ju tyvärr
Bjuder på en gammal goding
Lets ride
drink I smoke I f**k
My kind we fight in the club
I mix up that vodka with the chronic and I feel that love
I dream I work I bleed
I say things that I don't really mean
I'm not into Jail-bait but my girlfriends only seventeen
Can I hit that can I rip that can I lick that Can I get that from behind
I'm murdering and stabbing so much vag I'm wanted for vagaside
I'm living a life of sin, no I don't have any friends
Now the rain is coming and I'm running from myself again
I feel this darkness coming over me
It's taking over me
Now you can rest in pieces
By the time the sun goes down
Now nigga you can rest in pieces
Lets ride yeah everybody gonna die
f**k the world nigga ain't nobody getting out alive
Lets ride motherf**ker we all gonna die
We already dead ain't nobody getting out
Let me see you work it out, like a stripper on a pole
Dagen har spenderas med Lina, vi har gått på stan osv. Nu sitter jag och lyssnar på musik & fixar mig, men hinner inte skriva så mycket. Min finaste Alma sover hära inatt, ska bli så mysigt! ;-)
Åh denna underbara låt spelas om&om&om igen i mina högtalare!!!
Tonight gonna be a good night
Godmorgon! Jag vaknade självmant kvart i 10, hmmm.. Haha ja men jag är iallafall på super bra humör idag. Hoppas de håller i sig hela dagen, för de hära ser ut att bli en super bra dag! ;-)
Denna spelas om & om igen i högtalarna! Godnatt
Jag skulle aldrig någonsin göra så mot dig
Har legat i sängen inprincip hela dagen. Gick på stan med mamma en snabbis och köpte en t-shirt och underkläder. Sen beställde hon dom dära kläderna åt mig hihi ♥!
Är typ rätt så jävla emo och hade behövt ett nytt bra liv. Ska vänta på att Rickard ringer mig och svarar på om jag kan vara med han eller inte.
Blabla fuck life
Är typ rätt så jävla emo och hade behövt ett nytt bra liv. Ska vänta på att Rickard ringer mig och svarar på om jag kan vara med han eller inte.
Blabla fuck life
Space bound
We touch I feel a rush
We clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous
You must be a sorceress 'cause you just
Did the impossible
Gained my trust don't play games it'll be dangerous
If you fuck me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol"
Spell it backwards I'll show you
Nobody knows me I'm cold
Walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own
It's the path I've chosen to go
Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so
Don't ask me why I have no love for these motherfucking hoes
Bloodsucking succubuses, what the fuck is up with this?
I've tried in this department but I ain't had no luck with this
It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be
Like trying to start over
I got a hole in my heart, for some kind of emotional rollercoaster
Something I won't go on 'til you toy with my emotion, so it's over
It's like an explosion every time I hold you, I wasn't joking when I told you
You take my breath away
You're a supernova... and I'm a
I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon
And I'm aiming right at you
Right at you
Two hundred fifty thousand miles on a clear night in June
And I'm aiming right at you
Right at you
Right at you
We clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous
You must be a sorceress 'cause you just
Did the impossible
Gained my trust don't play games it'll be dangerous
If you fuck me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol"
Spell it backwards I'll show you
Nobody knows me I'm cold
Walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own
It's the path I've chosen to go
Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so
Don't ask me why I have no love for these motherfucking hoes
Bloodsucking succubuses, what the fuck is up with this?
I've tried in this department but I ain't had no luck with this
It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be
Like trying to start over
I got a hole in my heart, for some kind of emotional rollercoaster
Something I won't go on 'til you toy with my emotion, so it's over
It's like an explosion every time I hold you, I wasn't joking when I told you
You take my breath away
You're a supernova... and I'm a
I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon
And I'm aiming right at you
Right at you
Two hundred fifty thousand miles on a clear night in June
And I'm aiming right at you
Right at you
Right at you
Hära har ni mina två spellistor! Lyssna & lägg gärna till :-)
Hära har ni mina två spellistor! Lyssna & lägg gärna till :-)
Ja jag lever
Alla har typ försökt få tag i mig idag, tänkte bara säga att jag lever :-) Orkar inte blogga just nu herrå herrå
Så jävla sorgligt, men så bra låt!
You tell me that you sorry
En gammal goding som jag spelar i högtalarna just nu med Karro på sidan om mig! Jag är grymt jävla förkyld, har bara legat inne hela dagen osv. Klockan 10 ska jag på soc sen ska jag bara ligga i sängen och tycka synd om mig själv, haha!